Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Easter Bunny rides again!

Look what I found at Feathernesters on Saturday! A chocolate mold of an easter bunny riding a chicken, OMG how cute!!!! I gave it to my buddy Erica who owns and operates Bees Knees Studio. She and her boyfriend, Ryan, (The otter partner of "The Otter and the Bee") just got engaged and bought a house on Friday! They are so cute and silly I knew that this was the perfect gift for them! Erica said that the bunny was deranged, yeah, I knew she would love it! I love it so much I have to go back and get it for myself too!

Need a little 411 about chocolate molds? Well here ya go, Country Home has all ya need to know. What's that you ask? Kelly how in the world do I use such a thing? has the hook up on that! Crafting with chocolate does it get better than that? No way!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and a wonderful holiday!

xoxox, Kelly

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Very cool chocolate mold! A little trippy in a Alice in Wonderland way, but way cool. :-)